You can help people nearby

By making a donation to Kotimaanapu (‘Charity in Finland’) you can help those in Finland who are in the weakest position. You can choose to donate to one of our local fundraising campaigns or to our general relief assistance collection.

Kotimaanapu offers many-sided and concrete assistance to people facing difficulties in their lives. Assistance is provided to Finnish citizens and people residing in Finland regardless of their origin, religion and political opinion. Monetary donations to Kotimaanapu will be directed to local assistance efforts through the diaconal work of the parishes of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland. Assistance will reach those in need through the diaconal workers – from one person to another.

Funds donated to the Kotimaanapu relief assistance collection can be used to assist victims of crises or disasters, to support the disadvantaged through financial, material or food assistance or to carry out other necessary measures that will improve the quality of life for people in difficult situations. The funds accrued from nationwide collections will be forwarded to the recipients through the local diaconal work of the parishes of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland upon application.

Single donation

Donate via MobilePay
Relief assistance collection number 45595

Donate via sms
Send an SMS to number 16588
AUTA20 (20 €)
AUTA10 (10 €)

Fundraising permit RA/2020/639. Valid as of 1 September 2020 in whole Finland with the exception of the Åland Islands. Granted by the National Police Board on 25 May 2020. The raised funds will be used to assist victims of crises and disasters in Finland. Assistance is delivered to recipients by Kotimaanapu (‘Charity in Finland’), which is managed by the Church Resources Agency (Kirkkopalvelut ry), in collaboration with local parishes.


Customer service:
Järvenpääntie 640, 04400 Järvenpää / Vapaaehtoistyö.fi
Producer Ilkka Kalmanlehto
tel. +358 50 330 9308